Wednesday, April 30, 2008

canción de la semana

Artist info:
I first heard NG2 after mis padres came back from their salsa cruise and NG2 performed on the ship. My mom was raving about how good NG2 was and yadda yadda, so she bought their CD, ¡Al Fin!. With the first listen, I was addicted. My favorite songs from that album have to be Como Amigo No and Amanacer Contigo. This song, Ella Menea, has been playing on Latino radios nationwide, and as soon as I listened to it, I loved it. NG2 stands for NUEVA GENERACIÓN 2, and these Puerto Rican boys are the descendants of El Gran Combo-- literally.
So enjoy Ella Menea and tell me what you think of it in the comments. :)
xoxo bb
UPDATE: go out and buy their latest CD, Con Todas las de Ganar. fabulous cd, and you can get it on itunes for $7.99. ¡que bueno!

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